Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Artificial reefs on the gulf coast and why funding should remain for Essay

Artificial reefs on the gulf coast and why funding should remain for them - Essay Example The fact that they are artificial means that they are manmade. It follows that man has to effect necessary measures including funding in order to protect this type of unique environment. Once the funding is provided it is expected that the relevant authorities will ensure that is properly used for the good of the artificial reefs in general. The emergence of artificial reefs can be compared to oases in deserts. Artificial reefs can also be described as safe underwater havens made up of hard surfaces on which invertebrates attach themselves. These invertebrates include corals, bryozoans, barnacles, hydroids and clams. A simple theory has always been that invertebrates will start living around the reef once it has been established. A marine food will therefore develop in that ecosystem. Naturally, other forms of marine life will also be attracted in the area (Bortone, Brandarini and Otake, 251). A typical scenario is that bigger fish will head for the reef in order to feed on the smaller ones that arrived earlier thus the common saying that larger fish are usually right behind the smaller ones. Some areas such as Florida used to establish artificial reefs by sinking any object for instance refrigerators, fridges, washing machines among others. This was a haphazard approach of building the reefs since they would soon be de stroyed by hurricanes or tropical storm. Today, establishment of an artificial reef requires careful planning and choice of materials. Bortone et al (260) asserts that the main objectives are to enhance the original habitat at the bottom of the sea and increase the population of local fish. Generally looking at the Gulf coast, the area with the most number of permitted artificial reefs is the state of Florida. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is thus the one responsible for establishing guidelines for the deployment of artificial reefs. There are close to 2,700 artificial reefs along Florida’s

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