Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Miracle of Life Essay -- Personal Narrative Pregnancy Labor Essays

The Miracle of Life The miracle of life is something most of us will experience in our lifetime. The process before actually giving birth, I think is the hardest part of the entire scenario of child bearing. This amazing experience is something that can make the individuals who are involved in the process change in so many ways. The process of giving birth, for those of you who have not experienced or will never experience it, can be very hard, long and rewarding all at the same time. To give a better description, think of eating a fireball. At first the fireball is tame and calm, but just when you least expect it the fireball becomes hot. Then, when the hot sensation becomes too much, the sweet flavor of the fireball breaks through. I am a person who can't sit still over long periods of time. I had planned to start my maternity leave two weeks before the baby's due date but I refused to stay home just because I was 9 months pregnant. I figured I if I stayed home, doing nothing, I would constantly be reminded of my back pains, a 6to 8 pound human being doing aerobics in a small compacted space, and the frequent use of the restroom. Instead of being reminded of all these things, I decided to work until the day I gave birth to help keep the agony of being pregnant from my mind. After months and months of eating for two, constant visits to the doctors, and my husbands teasing, the moment of truth finally hit me. I was actually going to give birth to this tiny individual who had been living in my stomach for the past nine months. I was finally going to meet the creature that had been kicking me and keeping me from a great nights sleep. The one thing from this experience that I have learned is that nobody will ever be able ... ...ural. An epidural, is the best thing I pregnant women could ever ask for. The pain of the contractions simple vanished and left me feeling as happy as a clam. Just imagine having laughing gas and that is how happy and relaxed I felt. The funny thing about the administration of the epidural was that it didn't hurt when it was administered. The pleasure of not feeling anymore pain was more than I could ever ask for. After what seemed like an eternity of pushing, sweating, and pain I was able to give birth to my son. My entire labor lasted about twelve hours, but to me it seemed like a life time. The pain I experienced was well worth it, because I was able to give life to another person. After all that I had experienced for those long nine months many people have asked if I would do it again. My reply to all who have asked me is, â€Å"of course I would, in a heart beat.

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